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English : Studies on efficiency of humic and fulvic acids derived from compost on nutrients availability in soil and wheat productivity
Arabic : دراسات على فاعلية أحماض الهيوميك والفالفيك المشتقة من الكمبوست على تيسر العناصر فى التربة وانتاجية القمح.
Abstract Field experiment was carried out during two successive winter seasons at Ismailia Agric. Res. Station (ARC), El- Ismailia Governorate to study the effect of humic and fulvic acids, derived from compost, on soil availability of macronutrients, plant nutritional status and yield components of wheat. The experiments included the treatments of either humic or fulvic acids, as foliar application, supplemented or not supplemented with either amino acids or potassium. Results revealed that values of N, P and K availability in soil increased with application of humic and fulvic acids each alone or combined with either amino acids or potassium. However, humic acid combined with amino acids treatment was superior. Data also indicated that foliar application of humic and fulvic acids each alone increased significantly yield components of wheat (straw, grains and weight of 1000-grains) at both studied seasons. Humic acid combined with amino acids treatment recorded the highest increases (104%, 109%, and 54% over control) for grains, straw and weight of 1000 grains, respectively. Also, results showed that N, P and K total content in straw and grains in both seasons followed the same trend. However, the highest values were, again, due to humic acid mixed with amino acids treatment followed by humic acid mixed with potassium and finally fulvic acid mixed with amino acids. The lowest value of N, P and K total content in straw and grains were attained by the application of fulvic acid alone without any mixing. Finally, results showed that the highest crude protein (CP) %, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and Potassium recovery (KR) were also obtained with application of humic acid combined with amino acids. On the other hand, the lowest increase in (CP) % (NUE) and (KR) were obtained with application of fulvic acids alone
Publication year 2011
Pages 226-240
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
serial title Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 26 (6) 2011
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil chemistry and physicsSoil fertility
Amino acids. Crude protein. Fulvic acids. Humic acids. Nitrogen. Potassium. Wheats.
Publication Type Journal

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