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English : Nutrition efficiency of nitrate and ammonium under humic substances impact soil and squash plant
Arabic : كفائة التغذية الأمونيومية والنتراتية تحت المواد الهيومية مؤثرة على التربة و نبات الكوسة
Abstract pots experiment were carried out to study the effect of humic substances, nitrogen forms at the different rates and their combinations on either some chemical soil properties (pH, organic matter content and available nitrogen in soil)or nitrogen forms contents and some chemical components in plants (Free amino acid, total carbohydrate and soluble sugar). Obtained results revealed that the soil pH and organic matter values gradually increase with increasing the rate of organic acids either with NO3 or NH4 nutrition comparing to control. Application of humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids at rate of 5 ppm were more effective to increase pH value especially under application of nitrate at the rate of 20 meq/l. While the application of humic and fulvic acids at rate of 10 ppm and ammonium nutrition at rate of 20.0 meq/l were more effective to increase pH values. Humic acid increased the pH soil more than fulvic acids, especially in case of ammonium nutrition. On the other hand, NH4 nutrition had low effect on pH soil values as compared to NO3 nutrition. High rates of nitrogen forms (20.0 meq/l) with rates of humic and fulvic (10 ppm) were achieved the best available nitrogen in soil. Data showed that either rates of organic acid or nitrogen forms fertilizer improved the dry matter content (g/plant) of shoots and roots, nitrogen forms and some chemical components in plants as compared to control. Application of humic acid, under ammonium form had recorded highest dry matter for shoots and roots (1.19 and 0.41gm/plant) as compared to nitrate form (1.16 and 0.14 gm/plant), respectively. Humic acid was more effective than fulvic to raise soil PH, particularly under ammonium nitrition. Whereas, increasing soil pH under high rate of ammonium (20 meq/l) required to raise concentrations of humic acid and fulvic substances to 10 ppm.The highest concentration of chemical components in plants was achieved under ammonium form against nitrate form. Generally, free amino acid, total carbohydrate and soluble sugar in plants recorded high values when ammonium form combined with humic acid, similar values could be achieved by nitrate under fulvic application. Furthermore changes in anatomical structure of squash leaf and stem were investigated under application of humic acids, fulvic acids, ammonium, nitrate and their combination
Publication year 2010
Pages 379-408
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
serial title J. Biol. Chem.Environ. Sci., 2010Vol. 5(1):
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أمل محمد الشريعى قسم النبات الزراعى - كلية الزراعة – جامعة عين شمس
Agris Categories Soil chemistry and physicsSoil fertility
Ammonium. Fulvic acids. Humic acids. Nitrates. Plants. Soil.
Publication Type Journal

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