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English : Major Guidelines of Land use Evaluation for Agricultural Purposes in a Newly Reclaimed Area, El- Bahariya Oases, Western Desert, Egypt
Arabic : الخطوط العريضة لتقييم إستخدام الأرض في الأغراض الزراعية بمنطقة حديثة الإستصلاح- الواحات البحرية-الصحراء الغربية-مصر
Abstract The current study was carried out on a newly reclaimed area (El Hiez) at El Bahariya Oases, 6th October Governorate, Egypt to evaluate its soils for agricultural purposes and hence their suitability for growing certain crops. The limiting soil criteria and predicting future conditions after development has taken place in this study. In order to achieve this objective, 18 representative soil profiles were selected (out of 136 profiles which have been morphologically examined in the field). Physical and chemical characteristics were determined for the representative soil samples. The soil texture at the studied area varied between sandy and sandy clay loam. The impermeable layers depths are within 0-100 cm (20.83 % of the total area), 100-150 cm (41.67 %) and >150 cm represented (37.50 %). Soil salinity data reveal that 11.11 and 5.63 % of the soil samples taken from surface and subsurface layers, respectively are saline. As well as, the overall average salinity of the soil profile showed that 11.11 % of the soil samples are saline. While, more than 80 % from soil samples at previous soil layers are highly saline soil. Gypsum content varied from 3.31 to 33.23 % with an average 10.44 % and from 0.8 to 30.69 % with an average 10.04 % from the measuring soil samples at surface and subsurface soil layers, respectively. Soil hydraulic conductivity (K) values ranged between 0.124 and 1.841 m/day, with an average of 0.693 m/day. The impermeable layer depths varied from 0.6 to 2.0 m from soil surface. The calculated equivalent depth of the impermeable layer (d) varied from 0.49 to 0.86 m. The calculated lateral spacing values at the studied area varied from 11.3 to 43.8 m with an average 26.3 m according to Hooghoudt's formula. The current capability index of these soils is ranging from 0.2 and 25.4 %, indicating very poor, poor capable soils and the non-agriculture soils, which occupied 72.2, 11.1 and 16.7 % of the total area, respectively. The major limited factors in the studied area are salinity and erosion, while the texture, CaCO3 and gypsum are moderate limited factors. However, drainage represent minor limited factor. Improving the soil condition at the studied area requires: leveling soil surface, installation of efficient drainage system (surface and subsurface drainage), leaching soil salts and cultivating wind breaks surrounding the area to reduce these limited factors. The predicted capability index of the area will be ranged from 12.0 to 88.3 %, with area percentage of 44.44 and 16.66 % from the studied area to change to good and excellent classes, respectively. Suitability classification of the studied area for growing some crops, i.e., field crops (Barley, Beans, Cotton, Maize, Sesame, Cabbage, Groundnuts, and Sorghum), vegetables (Cabbage, Potato, Onion Tomato) and fruit trees (Olives, Guava) was carefully identified
Publication year 2010
Pages 404-421
Availability location Zagazig University
Availability number
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
serial title Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci.,
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil fertility
Reclamation. Soil classification. Soil fertility.
Proposed Agrovoc soil suitability;soil evaluation;
Publication Type Journal

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