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English : Contamination of the agricultural land due to industrial activities in Kafr el-Zeiyat area, Egypt
Arabic : تلوث الاراضى الزراعية الناتج من النشاط الصناعى فى منطقة كفر الزيات - مصر
Abstract The main objective of this study was concentrated in monitoring the harmful impacts of industrial liquid wastes released from the industrial activity of Misr Company for oil and soap at Kafr EL-Zeiyat city, El- Gharbia Governorate, Egypt, that are directly through an outlet into an adjacent irrigation canal on some soil physico-chemical properties of the irrigated agricultural areas due to the possible chemical pollution of such effluent wastes. Such polluted effluent chemical-wastes that discharged from the performed industrial activity are not only directly contaminated the neighbourhood irrigation water but also indirectly contaminated the irrigated agriculture land. To achieve this target, samples of either irrigation water or irrigated agriculture land were taken at distances 500, 1000 and 2000 m from the main pollution source, comparing with unpolluted water-sample, for monitoring the chemical changes in irrigation water as well as soil physicochemical properties of irrigated agriculture land. The chemical analytical data of the available irrigation water source along the different studied distances within the irrigation canal of Neanaiya, reveal that the released liquid-wastes of the industrial activity are negatively affected irrigation water quality, where its chemical characteristics as represented by the values of water pH, ECiw, soluble ions (especially Na+, Cland HCO3-) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), which showed a pronounced tendency to increase. That was true, since the suitability criteria of irrigation water resources showed that the studied irrigation water samples could be categorized into three classes, i.e., third class (C5S2, water salinity of ECiw= > 3.00 dS m-1 and sodicity of SAR= > 9), second class (C4S1, ECiw=0.75- 3.00 dS m-1 and SAR=6-9) and first class (C2S1, ECiw=< 0.75 dS m-1 and SAR=< 6) for the water samples that were taken at distances of 500, 1000 and 2000 m from the main pollution source, respectively. Such chemical irrigation water criteria were also associated with a parallel increase in soil chemical properties, i.e., pH, ECe and exchangeable sodium percent (ESP) as well as soil physical ones, i.e., fine aggregates, fine capillary pores, bulk density, penetration resistance and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). The reverse was true for each of total aggregates, coarse diameter aggregates, mean weight diameter, stability index and water holding pores, which showed pronounced decreases
Publication year 2010
Pages 64-77
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
City الفيوم
serial title Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev
Author(s) from ARC
Industrial wastes. Liquid wastes. Polluted soil.
Proposed Agrovoc industrial activity;degradation water;soil properties;
Publication Type Journal

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