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English : Preparation and evaluation of new functional beverage
Abstract Permeate is an aqueous solution removed from milk and whey by ultra- filtration and is considered as a waste products. Thus, reprocessing and eventual utilization of waste products have beneficial uses rather than then discharge to the environment which cause detrimental environmental effects Objective: Add permeate to fresh fruit (sycamore; mulberry and cantaloupe) to produce beverage with highly nutrient value and natural antioxidant sources The fruit are rich sources of minerals and fiber (pectin), while permeate is rich in calcium as animal source. Material and methods: Sycamore, mulberry and cantaloupe were obtained from local market and their added to permeate (obtained from Animal Production Research Institute), at the rate of 35%, 35 % and 50 % respectively and 5% sugar, 0.1 % citric acid. Analytical methods fresh fruit and beverage analyzed for chemical composition and estimated in vitro antioxidants activity. Results: The beverages /200 ml were adequate and met the RDA for protein (109.1-161.4%), iron (46-113%), Potassium (19.28-26.4) vitamin C (15.7-53.6%) and β -carotene (54.8% for cantaloupe). While the fiber was <5% so it had a positive effect on nutrient utilization. The scavenging activities of (o -2) ranged from (30.1- 446.9 %.). Conclusion: functional beverage can be successfully made using milk permeate fortified with black mulberry or sycamore, or cantaloupe as sources of natural antioxidants as well as improving the nutritive value. Thus, these beverages are necessary for health protection, so they are introduced for patient in hospital or guest in clinical touristy venue Key words: Permeate - fruits (Mulberry, cantaloupe and sycamore). Beverages –On vitro antioxidant activity
Publication year 2007
Pages p.18
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
    Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
serial title 10th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    هناء حسين السيد المعهد القومى للتغذية
    شادية امين فريج المعهد القومى للتغذية
Agris Categories Food science and technology
Acer pseudoplatanus. Beverages. Melons. Milk. Morus. Whey.
Proposed Agrovoc Permeate-fruits;On vitro antioxidant activity;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop

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