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English : The performance of both pest-des petits ruminants (PPR) and brucella melitensis(rev1)vaccines concurrentLy administred to sheep.
Arabic : فاعلية لقاحي طاعون المجترات الصغيرة و البروسيلا عند حقنهما تزامنياً في الأغنام
Abstract In a trial to evaluate the safety, reactogenicityand immunogenicity of PPR and Brucella vaccines when given simultanaeously to susceptible sheep, these sheep were divided into 4 groups : group one vaccinated against PPR, group 2 vaccinated against PPR and Brucella (using Brucella melitensis Rev1 vaccine), group 3 vaccinated against Brucella using Rev1 vaccine and group 4 was left unvaccinated as control. The results obtained were identical serologically for PPR and Brucella vaccines when given solely but when given simultaneously, Brucella live vaccine act as adjuvant and lead to increase the immune response against PPR vaccine but PPR living attenuated vaccine suppress the immune response against Brucella vaccine, results were discussed.
Publication year 2004
Pages 131-142
Availability location ش السكة البيضاء - العباسية-القاهرة
Availability number
Organization Name
    Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute (VSVRI)
City المنصورة
serial title مجلة المنصورة الطبية البيطرية
ISSN 1110-7219
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Brucella. Ruminants. Sheep. Vaccines.
Publication Type Journal

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