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English : Improvement of calcareous soil properties by application of compost and mineral fertilzers and its productivity for oil crops
Arabic : تحسين خواص الأرض الجيرية بإضافة الأسمدة العضوية والمعدنية وانتاجيتها للمحاصيل الزيتية
Abstract A field experiment was conducted in a calcareous soil during two successive seasons summer 2004 and winter 2004/2005 at Nubaria Agricultural Research Station to evaluate the interaction between the compost and mineral fertilizer levels on some soil physical properties, availability of soil macro- and micronutrients and their uptake by plants as well as seed and oil yield and quality of sunflower and canola crops. Four levels of mineral fertilizers ( zero, 1/2, 3/4 and recommended dose) of N, P and K and four levels of compost (zero, 10, 20 and 30 m3 fed.-1) were used. The obtained results showed that the addition of compost at the high rate was able to reduce the mean values of unconfined compressive strength by about 72 under different levels of mineral fertilizers, respectively. While, soil hydraulic conductivity (Kh), infiltration rate (IR) and total soil porosity were increased by 100, 210 and 13%, respectively. The application of compost or mineral fertilizers clearly enhanced the nutrients status of the investigated soil and their uptake by plants. Available NPK were increased by about 82, 88 and 33%, respectively as a mean value of the two seasons at the high rate of compost. While, at the high rate of mineral fertilizers, they increased by about 80, 147 and 22%, respectively. Extractable Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu were increased by about 30, 35, 33 and 42% over the control at the high rate of compost and by about 26, 35, 31 and 37% at the high rate of mineral fertilizer, respectively. The mean values of total NPK uptake by two crops at the high rate of compost and mineral fertilizers were increased by about 65 and 63%; 64 and 99% and 43 and 54%, respectively. Moreover, the total uptake values of Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu by two crops were increased with increasing compost application rates and/or mineral fertilizer levels. Results, in general, showed a significant positive effect due to all tested rates of compost or mineral fertilizers on sunflower and canola seed and soil yields. Results clearly revealed that erucic acid (22:1) percentage was less than 5% in all treatments of two crops and that fatty acid percentages for both plants were slightly affected by compost or NPK treatments. Oleic acid (18:1) was predominated in comparison with other fatty acids for all treatments in canola plants, while linoleic acid (18:2) was predominated in sunflower plants. Generally, it could be concluded that application of compost at the rate of 30 m3 fed.-1 under recommended dose of NPK gave the highest positive effect on yield and yield components of sunflower and canola plants and enhanced soil properties and the oil quality
Publication year 2006
Pages 1087-1103
Availability location معهد بحوث الأراضى والمياه والبيئة – مركز البحوث الزراعية – الجيزة.
Availability number
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
City Shibin El-Kom
serial title Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research
ISSN 1110-0265
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil erosion, conservation and reclamationSoil fertility
Calcareous soils. Composts. Inorganic fertilizers. Oil crops. Productivity. Soil improvement.
Publication Type Journal

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