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English : Probiotic milk beverage fortified with antioxidants as functional ingredients
Arabic : انتاج مشروبات لبنية داعمة للحيوية و المدعومة بالمواد المضادة للاكسدة لاستخدامها كغذاء وظيفى.
Abstract A fermented milk was made using buffalo's milk and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 as a starter culture. Tomato juice, carrot concentrate, pumpkin, strawberry, black mulberry and red grape were stirred individually with the prepared fermented milk in the ratio of 15, 20 and 25 % as source for carotenoids and flavonoids in the final product. The resultant beverages were filled into sterilized bottles and stored at 5± l°C for 10 days. Beverages from all treatments were analysed Chemically and microbiologically and their organoleptic properties were evaluated periodically throughout storage. The pH values of beverages from all treatments decreased gradually during storage while the total solids differed according to the type and ratio of antioxidant added. The prepared beverages fortified with antioxidants can be considered as a good source of β-carotene (carrot and pumpkin); Iycopene (Tomato juice) and antllocyanin (strawberry, blackberry and red grape). Moreover, these beverages can be considered as a good source of vitamin C and minerals in addition to sufficient (-10 7 cfu/g) count of Bifidobaeterium to be beneficial as health food that provide a wide range of health benefits. Organoleptic properties showed that these functional beverages were characterized by acceptable flavour and scored higher than the control. Key Words: Functional beverage, probiotics, Bifidobaeterium, antioxidans, carotinoids, flavonoids, chemical composition, microbiological quality.
Publication year 2006
Pages p.23-32
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
    Animal Production Research Institute (APRI)
Country Egypt
City القاهرة
serial title Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science
Volume 34 .
Department Dairy Technology Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Antioxidants. Beverages. Bifidobacterium. Buffalo milk. Carotenoids. Chemical composition. Cultured milk. Flavonoids. Health foods.
Publication Type Journal

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