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English : Changes in nitrogen content in different soil layers after application of composted and fresh chicken manure and nitrogen mineral during maize and wheat cultivation in sandy soil
Arabic : التغيرات في محتوى النتروجين في طبقات الأرض المختلفة بعد إضافة سماد الدواجن المتخمر أو الرطب و النتروجين المعدني أثناء زراعة الذرة والقمح في الأراضي الرملية
Abstract Two field experiments were successively conducted to study the effect of applied composted of chicken manure (CCM) and fresh chicken manure (FCM) as organic N sources, either individually or in mixture with different ratios of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) as inorganic N source on the growth, yield and yield traits of maize and wheat as well as some properties of soil. Treatments included combination of both (NH4)2SO4 and organic N sources. Such treatments represent ratios of inorganic100%, inorganic 75%+organic25%, inorganic50% + organic50%, inorganic25% +organic75% and organic100%. The N application rate in all amended plots was kept at 120 kg/fed. Different parameters were tested to evaluate the ability of composted or fresh chicken manure to meet N demand of maize and wheat crops in sandy soil ( Ismaillia Agric. Research Station). Some soil chemical parameters were monitored; namely on i.e., EC, O.M content , available P and K after harvest of both maize and wheat plants. Distribution of NH4 –N and NO3-N in different soil layers (0-15 cm, 15-30cm and 30-45cm) as investigated during growth stages for both plants; after (15,30 and 120 or 150 days from planting of maize and wheat, respectively). Some factors which may affect N- mineralization i.e., soil temperature, pH and moisture content were also evaluated. Incorporation of ammonium sulfate and organic N sources increased the amounts of soil organic matter content, available P and K in soil and pH values but decreased EC values in soil after maize and wheat harvesting. However, the magnitude of this effect was more pronounced with the mixture of 75% inorganic N+CCM25% and inorganic N 50% + FCM50%. However, the organic matter content increased with increasing the organic N through the applied to amendment to the soil. On the other hand, both N sources applied caused a substantial increase in the soil N availability, most of this increase was due to inorganic N. The release of available N (NH4 + and NO3- ) from organic sources was slow, steady and took a long time. The combination between inorganic and organic N resulted in greater values of NH4+ and NO3- release than those obtained when each was applied singly, specially after 30 days from maize planting. The results also indicate that, grain yield of maize and wheat and their concentrations of N, P, K and protein content were increased by incorporation of inorganic and organic N sources. The addition of 75% N in organic form (composted and fresh chicken manures ) and the rest in mineral form produced almost the same yield of both maize and wheat plants as in the case of 100% organic N sources
Publication year 2004
Pages 1415-1430
Availability location Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, 9 Cairo Univ. St., Giza, Egypt
Availability number
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
City Zagazig
serial title Annals Of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor
ISSN 1110-0419
Department Improvement and Conservation of Cultivated Soils Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil erosion, conservation and reclamation
Maize. Nitrogen content. Organic fertilizers. Sandy soils. Wheats.
Publication Type Journal

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