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English : Interaction between sugar lime, sulphur and applied bio- inorganic n fertilization on saline sodic soil properties and wheat production
Arabic : التأثير المتداخل لجير السكر والكبريت والتسميد النيتروجينى الحيوى والمعدنى على خواص الأرض الملحية القلوية وإنتاجية القمح
Abstract Saline sodic soil is likely a more important problem to mange in Nile Delta, Egypt. Furthermore, there are tremendous amount of industrial byproducts resulting from sugar industry from sugar beat factories such as sugar lime (SL), which, are increasing annually without utilization that causing environmental pollution. However, a field experiment was conducted at El-Serw Agricultural Research Station, to evaluate the profitability of sugar lime using efficiency as amendment on some soil properties and its productivity under the influence of the elemental sulphur and bio or inorganic N-fertilization. Wheat (Sakha 93) was sown as a test crop. The treatments comprised (1) six amendment additions, i.e. the control, sugar lime at rate of 4.6 ton/fed (SL), elemental sulphur at rates of 0.5 ton/fed (S1) and 1.0 ton/fed (S2), SL+S1 and SL+S2. (2) grain and phyllosphere inoculation treatment with a mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum lipoforum, Bacillus polymyxa and Klebsiella penumoniae as well as uninoculated treatment. (3) applied N-levels, as 25, 50 and 100% of the recommended dose. Application of amendments and bio or inorganic N-fertilization improved some physical and biological parameters as well as wheat yield component and its chemical composition. Bulk density, wilting point and fine capillary pores were decreased. While, field capacity, available water content, total porosity, quickly and slowly drainable pores, dehydrogenase activity and the counts of sulphur oxidizing bacteria in rhizospher soil, nitrogenase activity in soil rhizosphere and phyllosphere of wheat plants, grains yield, straw yield and the contents of N, P and K in both grains and straw of wheat plants were increased referring to control and uninoculated treatments. In conclusion, the best treatment in reference to improve certain soil structure, microbiological properties as well as increasing wheat grains and straw yields and their nutrient contents was combined treatment of (4.6 ton/fed sugar lime + 1.0 ton/fed elemental sulphur) accompanied by inoculation with a mixture of N2-fixers, particularly in the presence of 50% of recommended dose of inorganic N-fertilizer
Publication year 2006
Pages 353-372
Availability location معهد بحوث الاراضى والمياه والبيئة)
Availability number
Organization Name
    Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
City Zagazig
serial title Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences
ISSN 1110-1571
Department Agricultural Microbiology Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil biology
Bacteria. Microbiology. Nitrogen fertilizers. Saline soils. Sulphur. Wheats.
Proposed Agrovoc sugar lime;
Publication Type Journal

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