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Agricultural Expert System Development
HistoryThis department is concerned with applied research of expert systems for different agricultural domains. The main objective is to transfer the expertise of highly specialized researchers and practitioners from different areas to extension workers and ultimately to farmers.
Manager Ahmed Farouk Ahmed El-Sadek
Achievements Research Unit Of Expert Systems In Animal Resources Like the Plant Resources Unit, this unit uses building tools to develop expert systems for animal resources. The unit performs field tests to measure the systems' effectiveness in maximizing animal production and minimizing inputs. Examples of expert systems in this area include expert systems for animal health care, disorder diagnosis, and farm management
Current Activities
Goals The department consists of two units. Research unit of Expert System in Plant Resources Using the tools developed by the Department of Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems Building Tools, this unit builds expert systems in plant resources. The unit also conducts field tests for developed expert systems and measures their effectiveness in maximizing the production of crops and minimizing agricultural inputs such as water, fertilizers and pesticides. Examples of expert systems in this area include expert systems for irrigation, fertilization, pest management and varietal selection.

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